Super Raft Boat is a video game series created by Shattered Journal Games. Each one is a rogue-lite shooter where you must survive waves of sea creatures and other hazards while building your raft.
The series began with the release of the original “Super Raft Boat” on February 22nd, 2021. It was followed by “Super Raft Boat VR” on August 4th, 2021, which offered a virtual reality experience with new content.
Announced on January 26th, 2023, “Super Raft Boat Together” is the latest addition to the series. SRBT takes things to the next level, with online multiplayer, new mechanics, and expanded content. To distinguish the original game from SRBT, the original game was renamed “Super Raft Boat Classic.”
Super Raft Boat Together was released on July 25th 2023 on Steam.
Try out one of the games in the Super Raft Boat series below!